The Future of Penetration Testing

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Next Generation Red Team

NextGen Red Team approaches cybersecurity from a holistic information security perspective. The NextGen Red Team method is baked in since the start of the company. We prefer transparent reporting. We don’t dress things up, we use clarity and consciousness. No fear tactics or FUD. Our mission is to provide organizations with a security baselines and understandable detections across all surfaces and deliver critical insight into all possible attack methods.

In addition, NextGen Red Team offers advanced security solutions like our cyber threat intelligence and our cloud security assessment. NextGen Red Team's products help organizations track high profile threats, understand their security risks and the related business impact, and improve their cybersecurity posture.

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Vulnerability & Penetration

A penetration test simulates the activity of an attacker in order to identify problems in your organization before they are exploited by hackers. Using NextGen Red Team's testing services, you can simulate both external and internal threats to your organization. A team of subject matter experts with real-world experience possessing industry-leading offensive security certifications performs the testing against your infrastructure, applications, and employees. NextGen Red Team also offers Red Teaming and network risk assessments to enhance your cybersecurity posture.

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Evaluate & Train

The first step in creating a security-conscious culture, modifying behavior, and implementing the "human firewall" is to identify your employees' susceptibility to attack. With our simulated phishing, social, physical, and USB attacks, we measure your organization's and your employees' susceptibility without exposing them to real threats. You can significantly impact the security of your network, data, and reputation through your employees' reactions to these types of threats. Based on your organization's industry-specific needs, NextGen Red Team will design mock scenarios and security awareness training programs.

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Penetration Testing

A NextGen Red Team penetration test distinguishes itself by looking at the bigger picture. Through our approach of not limiting ourselves to one set of controls (network, application, physical, system) to defeat, we are able to simulate a real attack scenario. A true attacker will not stop if the front door of your network is locked and neither will we.

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Red Teaming Threat Services

Red team exercises are designed to test physical, logical, and process-based controls. Physical, Social Engineering, Mobile, Web, Networking, and Wireless attacks are used to bring a full arsenal of security tests aimed at exercising your current defensive security posture.